Holiday Gift 2021 Alert No. 4: The Floor is Lava Game Goes Outside 

Many people know the impromptu game of shouting out “LAVA” and everyone jumping up into nearby objects to get their feet off the ground. Endless Games created a format where players continue to imagine the floor is molten hot lava, but added play patterns using a spinner for color call-outs and having players jump along foam game pieces in order to reach safety. Challenge cards that enforce activities that can make it difficult not to fall into the lava come into play when landing on certain tiles.

THE Holiday RIDE is Ready To Roll. November 27.

With a new determination to celebrate New York re-invented, the HOLIDAY RIDE will begin Preview Performances on Friday, November 12th at 5:30pm when Alexis Qualls, Director of Operations has scheduled the iconic Theatre-on-Wheels’ Tenth Anniversary Roll-Out into New York City’s brave new world.