A new accessory that puts positive affirmations on demand!

Zulily Partners with Jonathan Van Ness to Help Moms Feel Empowered, Reduce Stress this Holiday Season with a new accessory that puts positive affirmations on demand with the goal of lessening the holiday mental load on parents.

Coquito Holiday Drink Hack

I am sure you have heard of Coquito, a Puerto Rican originated coconut-based alcoholic beverage that is similar to eggnog, sometimes erroneously referred to as Puerto Rican Eggnog. It literally means “little coconut” yet to me, there is not much of a coconut flavor in the original drink. I have tried it, and it is oh so yummy.

Drowning Does Not Look Like Drowning

I didn’t hear my son go under the water. He didn’t flail, or come up screaming. In fact, he was trapped under a raft that was floating in the pool and his safety tube had flipped him upside down. I can’t stop thinking about what could have happened and what I have unfortunately seen happen to children of others. Luckily by son was okay. Shaken up, but he was okay and I think he learned a water safety lesson that day.